Ways to Bond with God

Cultivating a strong connection with God takes intentionality. Looking at past patterns of bonding and connection can help us understand how we’ve learned to connect with God. Bonding with God can feel especially challenging if our attachment to our primary caregiver was insecure. Even more challenging if there was neglect or abuse. Many of the ways we’ve learned to connect with God are a result of the ways we grew up relating to our caregivers.

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Melanie Huggard
The Five Chemical Brainwashes

We look at infants, and pre-pubescent teens and acknowledge the amount of change that is occuring in their bodies, but what about adults? The five chemical brainwashes are five stages our brains and bodies go through which initiate some of the biggest shifts in perspective that we experience. Surprisingly, this doesn’t just happen to us as children and adolescence, but also in three-special windows of our adult life.

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Melanie Huggard
The Gift of Self-Awareness

I used to see myself from a lens of self-judgment. I thought these judgments were an awareness of who I was, but they were just stories I told myself in order to feel safe. It’s easy to draw conclusions about ourselves and those around us to avoid uncertainty, but this practice leaves us feeling disconnected, powerless and ashamed. It is possible to see yourself and others clearly without judgment clouding your vision

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Why Celebration is Vital to Your Healing Journey

We see the word, “celebration” and think of large milestones. Birthdays, holidays, graduations, and anniversaries. We send out invitations, eat together and plan events to recognize and rest from routine. But what if celebration was vital to apply in the small moments as well? By definition, to celebrate means to acknowledge a significant or happy day or event.

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